I took this picture myself
"I am The Ocean" by Anastasia Sopchak

I am everywhere,
I am the middle of nowhere.
The silent moon pulls on me,
around and around and around.
I would follow it to the ends of this earth.
But when I reach, it evades, so I give up.
I am a pond, I am The Ocean.

I will never feel,
but for the fisherman's reel,
searching for a fish.
But fish are scarce,
so maybe I should just give up.
But I just cant.
Because I am The Ocean.

The slow, salty wind blows,
over my liquid terrain,
Pushing boats through my H2O.
They come and go,
pushed away by swift internal currents, too.
I love them dearly,
but... I am The Ocean.

Friends are rare, they come and go,
with the flow.
From my deepest depth,
to my most shallow shore,
I will ponder this enigma that is friend ship.
The Ocean will never die, it existed before their was life,
so I will love forever, because I am The Ocean.

An Ocean is solitary,
An Ocean is forever.

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